Coconut Oil

LE 190.00 LE 159.00


Coconut oil has become a famous oil for both beauty and health after having been a secret known only to people in coconut growing areas. It's an amazing oil with lots of properties and uses, it has almost all the fatty acid chains that are important for both hair and skin.

Benefits and uses:

- Has strong antifungal and antibacterial properties thanks to high content of Lauric acid.
- Moisturizes skin and makes it smooth and supple.
- Hypoallergenic and safe to use even on babies.
- Helps to repair the skins collagen layer and fight wrinkles.
- A great natural makeup remover, safe to use around and on eyelids.
- Has some level of protection against sun damage on skin and hair.
- Penetrates hair easily and nourishes scalp with lots of vitamins and fatty acids.
- Great as a hair mask to soften hair and stimulate hair growth.
- Can be used on minor cuts and scrapes to speed healing and fight infection.
أصبح زيت جوز الهند من الزيوت المشهورة الآن لجمال البشرة و الشعر وحتى تناوله داخليا يوعد بتحسين الحالة الصحية للجسد، كما أن له خصائص و استخدامات عديدة و يحتوى تقريبا على جميع الأحماض الأمينية المهمة و الضرورية لصحة البشرة و الشعر

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السلام عليكم
انا جبت من حاولى اسبوعين
زبده الجسم بجد تحفه جميله
جدااأ و بترطب حلو جددددأ و
ريحتها جميله اوى كنت مترددة
اجبها و قولت اجيب واحدة
اجربها بس فعلأ طلعت تحفه و
هجيب منها على طول إن شاء
و كنت جايبه كمان كريم
الكولاجبن و دى تانى مرة
اجيبه و بحس فعلأ بيدى نضاره